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The Secret of Kundalini

Kundalini. The word itself seems to evoke some sense of the unknown, a sense of magic under the surface that every human knows is real, but hasn't touched yet. It seems to contain the magic of the exotic, the touch of destiny that can transform an ordinary person into a legend of epic proportions.

Wild stories of psychedelic visions, extrasensory abilities and debilitating physical symptoms are running around the internet on just about every spiritual website, easily found, and often shared on social media.

The mystery of the concept has an enchanting quality, like suddenly realizing that you have the ability to ask for a letter from Hogwarts.

But what are the actual mechanics behind this energetic concept? What is happening inside of the body to create such wild sensations and abilities?

First we need to define Kundalini as is generally accepted in the Western energetic philosophy, fully understanding that many concepts have been not only mistranslated, but distorted from teacher to teacher throughout ancient-to-modern times, similar to religious texts that many religions follow today.

Kundalini is a Sanskrit word defining the coiled prana or chi at the base of the spine that all humans are born with. Through spontaneous activation, specific types of yoga/qigong, breathwork, life events or other types of energetic training this energy might rise up the spine to connect into the Third Eye, or the pineal gland. This energy flow is most often felt or depicted as a serpent crisscrossing up the spine through each major endocrine gland (chakra).

Multiple accounts of feeling a lightning bolt shooting up the spine, orgasmic expansive bliss, tearing sensations, blinding headaches as well as psychic abilities turning online have been noted. The symptoms are intense on both ends of the spectrum, both frightening and painful as well as euphoric and overwhelming.

Many people around the world, but especially in Western Society are actively working towards a Kundalini awakening, pushing towards something that they know is *more*, but not quite understanding what it is that they are pushing for.

Traditional Kundalini awakening involves hours of yoga, meditation, moving meditation, clean nutrition, moral/emotional intelligence focus and forms of Qigong to realign the mind/body/spirit trifecta. The goal of these exercises on the physical level is to fully activate all of the neural tissues in the body, not just the ones in the brain. Here is the secret that most in our Western society are completely ignorant of, but can immediately make use of once they understand, because it is already a part of each of us. The brain/heart/intestine connection.

The Brain/Heart/Intestine Tesla Coil

When the body is being formed in the womb, something truly monumental for our applicable understanding takes place. The neural tissue that becomes the brain actually splits into three separate pieces. One part becomes the grey matter and glands of the brain that we are so familiar with, but the other two parts become the heart and the intestines.

Smooth muscle fiber
Heart muscle cells

This is exactly why a heart muscle cell looks completely different than any other muscle cell in the body, it is half neural tissue! This is why we hear about concepts such as the "belly brain", or the "gut instinct". Your intestines are not just a part of the digestive system, they are literally tubes of neural tissues coiled in the abdomen. (This is one of the main reasons why we have things such as weaponized food. You are what you eat, meaning if you consume edible food like products designed to dampen the gut awareness, your neural connections immediately shut off full awareness/connection due to the induced hormone/chemical imbalance.)

Mammalian neural tissue cells

Looking at the upper picture, we see smooth muscle fibers, the majority of the muscle cells in the human body. The middle picture is the muscle cells of the heart, and the bottom picture is a snapshot of mammalian neural tissue. Comparing the extremes on the top and bottom, it is easy to see how the heart is a balance of both types of tissue.

The connections go much deeper than most realize though. About 95% of the serotonin the brain uses is created inside of the gut. Serotonin is an extremely important neurotransmitter in the body tied directly into mood regulation, social behavior, digestion, appetite, libido/sexual function, memory and sleep.

Inside the intestinal thought patterns lie the instinctive knowledge passed down from generation to generation all the way up to now. These are the connections that a zebra uses to be galloping less than two hours outside of the womb, and it is these connections that we can use to access Full Spectrum awareness to what we are already connected deeply into: Our reality. But that comes later.

For now, let us look at this base understanding of physiology and what it means for us. If what we think and communicate with is our brain, what are the thought processes of the intestines? What are the thought processes of the heart? What does this mean for us, and what on earth does it have to do with Kundalini?

Everything. We are a mind, a body and a spirit. As above, so below. Everything we do physically has a spiritual as well as a mental component from the way we move through our reality, down to the very construct of our bodies.

From a purely physical standpoint, the simple fact that we have brain tissues all throughout our bodies should ring a few alarm bells here. Knowing from medically document phenomena such as the placebo affect and spontaneous remission, we have some ability to sway the internal homeostasis towards health or against it. With neural tissues throughout our bodies, what aspect of those phenomena do they actually take part in? Is this something we can consciously do?

Through specific focusing techniques, yoga, breathwork and chi flow, anyone can activate the neural connections that allow us to access much deeper levels of sensation and awareness, and this activation is what many call Kundalini, but it is only a tiny aspect of this Vital Life Force, merely the physical. We will get into more on that later, but for right now, lets talk about why I am referring to the neural connections in the body as a Tesla Coil.

When we look at the mechanics of a Tesla Coil, we see an open ball up top where there is direct interaction with the electricity. In the base, unseen is the coil. In between the coil and the open source ball up top, is the transformer, the catalyst between the generation and the application of the energy.

The human body works in the exact same way. Once you connect the neural energy (measurable electricity) into the full capacity of the human nervous system, suddenly you activate the human Tesla Coil.

Brain (Power source), Heart (HV transformer), Intestines (Primary coil). This is the 5D understanding that most are striving to achieve, but do not understand the physical mechanics of, nor the ways to communicate directly with the body in order to reconnect these integral systems.

Going back to the question of how do these neural tissues in the body communicate if it is not spoken word, suddenly we have an expansion of awareness that begins to encompass these questions. Think about this for a second. The brain handles the senses of sight, smell, taste, touch and hearing. If that is the place of operation for the brain, what does the rest of the nervous system sense?

Everyone has heard of the "belly brain" or "going with your gut", and more importantly, many of us have experienced these sensations. Have you ever felt someone watching you? Have you ever felt someone enter your personal space (auric field)? Have you ever had a creepy feeling about someone that turned out to be completely accurate? You are experiencing the senses of the body-brain, but this system does not speak spoken word, no matter what language it might be (this is one of the reasons spoken affirmations are only so effective, they cannot shift the deep levels of blockage inside the fascia/nervous system).

The cleaner your mind/heart/gut connections are, the more aware of your own personal magnetic field you can become. Using this nervous system energy, we can begin to activate the blood in the body. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, blood is synonymous with chi, chi is synonymous with blood. The powerful restorative effects of chi movement by individuals and practitioners moving chi for individuals have been documented for thousands of years by non conventional and conventional science.

Physically, the process of activating your Vital Life Force, or chi, means that you are using your nervous system energy with focus and concentration to charge the bi-pole construct of the blood cells. The fact that the blood cells have a positive and a negative polarity just like a tiny battery is what makes this possible. Electromagnetic activation coupled with the knowledge that the two most common elements in blood are water and iron (extremely electromagnetically conductive elements) results in a conscious charge inside of the body that can be refined, strengthened and focused in stronger and stronger levels with practice.

The more these energies are activated in the body, the more the field being created in and around the body can be "felt" until using this field is like using an extension of your body like a hand or a leg, with the major difference being that you can stretch this "hand" into a massive field of perception, and take it down into the micro, deep inside the molecular field of the body.

Suddenly, a completely different way to perceive reality is available, and it is nothing more than strengthening your conduit of neural pathways inside of the body with internal focus, physical movement and breathwork (activating the parasympathetic nervous system into rest-and-relaxation)

The more we understand the body, uncovering the secrets with our logical, fact based brains, the more advanced our medical science becomes, yet the more detached from health we seem to be. This is simply because despite looking directly at the evidence, we are still trying to interact with our bodies as if the brain is the only way to communicate with the body. This could not be further from the truth, and there are many different ways to communicate with the body, but we are talking about Kundalini, and will just stick with how to directly apply this knowledge and understanding. However, we need to clear up some misconceptions around this energetic phenomenon.

The Path of Deception

Typically, the path of deception involves some truth to it. Often times, the truth is bent just enough, that people can feel the ring of truth inside of it, and then accept all of the information as 100% truth, and this is where we need to start practicing discernment.

Typically it is accepted that Kundalini awakening is painful, scary, anxiety inducing and will physically drain til the point of exhaustion. Terrifying experiences with "angels" and "guides" have been noted more than once, with the excuse of "Oh, its just my Kundalini waking up."

Often times when someone references the actual Kundalini phenomenon, they are referencing a literal serpent of energy that climbs up their spine into the third eye. This induces the excuse of seeing/feeling any type of mental or energetic invasion that feels distinctly snake-like, or reptilian as a symptom of waking up.

Without a doubt, there is a feeling of energy flowing up the spine when we begin activating this energy. While the spinal column begins to light up as the belly-brain switches online, all of the nerves going to all the major organs, bones and muscles are being lit up as well. Looking at a picture of the nervous system, we can see where the nerves come out in between the vertebrae of the spine and power/perceive its area of the body.

As the spinal column activates with a much higher level of energy, it charges the blood inside of the body in the areas the nerves power (organs, muscles, bones, etc..). What happens is a feeling of varying degrees. I have personally felt a rushing of liquid, heat, tingling and electricity that can become overwhelming to the point of euphoria.

This flow begins to charge the major organs of the body, which correspond with the 12 major organ merdians of the body. A meridian is a pathway of chi flow that cleans, rejuvenates, heals and powers the organ it is connected to, and it is these pathways that are utilized with acupuncture, Hara balancing, Shiatsu massage, cupping, Applied Kinesiology and multiple nutrition based modalities.

The philosophy behind these modalities is to find the reason why the body is in dysfunction and fix that, instead of treating the symptoms resulting from the body being in dysfunction.

As the organ has vastly increased neural activity flowing to/from it, the blood in the organ electromagnetically lights up with activity, activating the meridian directly into function, cleansing and cleaning out the emotional poisons stuck in the organs/meridians manifesting as damage, physical pain, thought cycles, dysfunction and disease.

Most in Western society have no clue what the meridians are, much less how they operate in the body. The emotional resonances created/trapped by these organs/meridians also fly right under the radar is as well.

Looking at this meridian clock chart, we can see each major organ, when the meridian flowing through it is the most active, what sense organ it is involved with, and most importantly, what emotion that is created/trapped by this meridian.

As the meridians begin to activate and cleanse, they begin to release all of the stagnant energy, including the emotional poison build up because of trauma from people, places, things, events and ourselves that we have not truly let go of. I explain in detail exactly how real these emotions are and how they work in this article here.

If the shadow work and emotional trauma clearing needed to begin flushing the negative polarity, stuck and stagnant chi out of the body has not been done, undergoing a Kundalini activation will suddenly shift into experiencing a massive emotional release that literally rewires the brain chemistry/neural pathways to operate without PTSD or other trauma responses that would not be recognize as there because they are "normal" sensations. Despite the rewiring, the trauma energy will still be there. And it will be especially intense because now it is moving, instead of lying dormant.

Switching to this operating system without understanding the levels of depth that the shadow work needs to be done is like trying to walk through a doorway with 10 other people at the exact same time. two, maybe three can fit, but this massive push through the door ends up with everyone getting hurt. The same thing happens internally when trying to release everything at once and will lead to some wild swings in mood due to hormone fluctuations as the physical toxins connected into these stuck emotional energies need to be flushed out of the body.

As these traumas come up to the surface, instead of recognizing the heavy emotions and images from the past as something that can now be released on a full mind/body/spirit level, it will seem like a major emotional attack is underway, leading to the wild symptoms plaguing the internet with the "truth" about Kundalini activation.

In even simpler terms, think of a human shaped construct flowing liquid through tubes about the width of a pencil. Free flowing, this liquid can clean out any "dirt" that might try to block the clean movement, and there are places where this liquid can pool and gather, such as the energy centers of the body (chakras, Dan Tiens, etc..).

Now, see this human shaped construct suddenly having all of these tubes filled up with clay. The intention for flow is there, but clay is much harder to move, moves much more slowly and can completely plug up some of these tubes entirely. With the Kundalini activation, suddenly this clay filled human shaped construct has much more liquid flowing through the tubes, which have no choice but to stretch and open wider. As they open wider, the liquid now has the momentum to start actually pushing the clay out. What ensues is an all out purge from the body on all levels to achieve the level of flow that is supposed to be active at all times.

Now translate this to the meridians (tubes of flow), the liquid (blood/chi), and emotional trauma/poison (clay), and the physical mechanics of what happens when we literally "raise our vibrations" begins to make sense. We create such high resonance frequencies in and around us, that anything of a darker, lower frequency suddenly becomes "heavy" as we become much lighter, creating a physical lifting sensation as if you weighed 15-20 lbs. lighter, and in many cases of extreme clearing, almost complete weightlessness.

Now that we understand the mechanics of what is in essence, a mix of esoteric and scientific information, lets begin to go into the actual danger of Kundalini awakening and what simple things anyone can do to not only take charge of these activations, but to safely, surely, quickly and fearlessly take conscious control of their own personal activation.

Central Channel Meridians

We have 12 major organs that have meridians powering them. Lungs, heart, pericardium, large intestine, small intestine, triple warmer, gallbladder, liver, stomach, spleen, bladder and kidneys. These flows run from head to feet, feet to head and hands to chest/abdomen, abdomen/chest to hands. All of them are powered by the two central channel meridians. These run from the perineum (right between the anus and genitals) up the spine to the crown (very center of the top of the head), down the front of the body through the sternum, solar plexus, navel and through the front of the pelvis to loop down to the perineum.

This flow of the Governing Vessel and Conception Vessel meridians is called the microcosmic orbit and has been used to treat ailments, cleanse disease, heal injuries and activate higher levels of consciousness since it was first documented in ancient China. It is a very simple flow. Up the spine through the spinal column, down the front of the body into the pelvis. Up the spine, down the front, an endless loop that dissolves any "dirt or clay" in the flow.

Just like the 12 major organ meridians of the body power the 12 major organs, the central channel meridians power the central channel. This flow of energy connects everything in a straight line from the crown at the center of the top of the head, down through the third eye, throat, chest, solar plexus, sacral and root energy centers. As the microcosmic orbit is opened, the central channel activates, lighting up each of these energy centers (chakras) in the core of the body, creating a unified field of energy that begins to stretch outside of the body in a massive torus, constantly moving, constantly cleansing, constantly raising the level of frequency.

As this flow becomes more intense, the 12 major organ meridians of the body activate to higher and stronger levels of resonance, healing and cleansing any damage caused by blockage of the mind/body/spirit complex.

Imagine a human at the center of this picture, with the thin center being the central channel of the body and the bright point the heartspace. This flows in both directions, from root to crown, and from crown to root.

Now that we know the pathways of energy that not only have been documented for thousands of years, but have been used to heal on the level that Western Medical Science says is impossible, we can start to understand.

Where is the misstep? Where is the oversight that hijacks one of the most expansive, euphoric rides of self reflection you could ever embark upon into a horror filled nightmare?

It is simple. Polarity. The main focus is the energy flowing up into the head. From a physical perspective, what happens when you put a continuous flow of water into a balloon? It will eventually pop. It has no choice. There is only so much you can fit into an area that has a limited amount of space. The same thing is true with the energy of the body, as well as the physicality. Blood is synonymous with chi, chi is synonymous with blood. If you are moving energy up into your head, you are shifting blood into the head as well, and if there is no return, you are causing an imbalance, or polarity. Think being top heavy energetically.

Just enough truth to get you to misstep in a major way. All we have to do is return the flow from the head, down the front of the body using existing pathways that have been mapped out for thousands of years, and yet, hardly anyone in our Western spiritual communities seem to know anything about these very real, results oriented techniques that anyone can begin learning and experiencing.

Physically, the return flow down the front is balancing the Yin aspect of our nervous system, also known as the Autonomic, or Parasympathetic nervous system. This is the system that controls everything that you do not have to consciously think about such as the heartbeat, breathing, digestion, reproduction or hormone balance. You move the energy flow up the spinal column, activating the neural tissues of the spinal cord up into the brain, then relax the flow down the front, stimulating the Vagus nerve to induce rest-and-relaxation instead of fight-or-flight, the two operating modes of the Autonomic nervous system.

By including the anxiety/fight-or-flight trigger into the energy circulation, it becomes much easier to begin to find the emotional points of trauma stored inside the body, because they become much softer and start to gently slide out of where they are trapped inside the muscle memory/neurological connection. Using this internal field awareness, detecting and becoming aware of these points in the body becomes much simpler and as soon as you have awareness, you have the ability to shift it and bring in so much of what you prefer in your life/body/consciousness, that there is no room for anything that you do not.

As for the snake winding its way up the spine.....does that not give an instinctive pull back and internal shudder? All I have to say about that is do not give permission for anything to be inside of you. Spirit animal medicine is strong, pure medicine. They work with you, from the outside of your consciousness. They will never force their way in, they will never give you more than you can handle, and this goes for any benevolent being.

What You Can Do Today!

This is a keystone skill in beginning to learn how to move your internal energy and discover what internal field awareness actually feels like. It might be subtle and weak in the beginning, but there is almost 100% of the time, some slight sensation when beginning these types of exercises. Tune into that unfamiliar feeling and begin to truly focus on it, going through this video 4-5 times to really cement in the awareness.

Remember to be gentle with yourself. Recognize that there is years of built up blockage if you have never done any work like this before. Often times it takes practice to begin moving the chi in the levels needed to and consistency is key. Once you know how to do this technique in the body, try doing it 5-6 times a day for anywhere from 2-5 minutes and keep this up for a week. Note how you feel before and after this week. Note the clarity/silence of the mind, note the anxiety/fear levels in the body as well as the emotional state.

While figuring out the Breath of Life technique, begin also incorporating this routine into your daily regiment. The EFT tapping allows you to wake up aspects of the nervous system that are asleep or dormant, programming them with "power phrases". The self lymphatic drainage gets the physicality moving, because again, blood is synonymous with chi, chi is synonymous with blood. When the lymphatic system is open, we have cleaner/more flow through the smaller capillaries in the blood flow. The Chi Kung will begin applying the internal movement with the Breath of Life technique into physical movment, making chi activation much easier.

After about 2-3 weeks of softening the internal movement and upgrading the awareness, begin adding this routine to your Breath of Life movement. This is how to begin tapping into the spirit level of the mind/body/spirit, through the emotional resonance. This awareness will allow you to begin finding the hard, heavy pieces of emotional poison, trauma and stagnancy that flare up into full potency with the correct triggers, and more importantly, release them. This is how you can consciously go into any trauma from the past and release everything, not just the mental aspect which we get in psychotherapy or forgiveness work.

Finally, after another week or two of adding the smile to the chi flow and movement, try out the shielding/extraction protocols. Begin lighting yourself up as bright as you can become, using the smile and the movement as fuel for the light, searching and probing the body for any place resisting the light, and flushing the movement/laughter through. Find anything resisting the laughter and flush the movement/light through. Find anything resisting the movement and flush light and laughter through. Add this to your work for another week.

Once you feel that this routine is familiar and you are fairly clear, begin activating your internal flow. Inhale up the spine, exhale and relax letting the flow down the front. Cycle the microcosmic orbit and begin making yourself bright. The more you use the quantum pause breathing taught in the prep work with this pathway of chi flow, the stronger you will activate your Kundalini energy, which is not technically what most understand as Kundalini. Whatever you want to call it, whatever the end goal might be, we all have the same exact parts, barring deformity or gender difference. This is included on the energetic level as well.

Without having done the cooresponding yoga/body flows that come with traditional Kundalini awakening training, already by following this month long regiment, there will be a massive shift in awareness. If you wanted to look up Kundalini yoga on Youtube, there are plenty of examples to supplement this energy work to truly explode the potential of your body to astronomical levels.

Conclusion: A Simplification of the Path

The whole reason for this article was two-fold. To explain some of the elusive processes that seem to be around the "mystical" energy centers of the body and secondly, to offer a release valve to some incredibly intense experiences. The Kundalini "lore" is that you need to walk through the hardest of the hard, the craziest of the crazy to finally clear it out, and yes, this IS truly effective, but ultimately unnecessary.

The end goal is the destination. Who cares about what path is being taken as long as none are stepped upon or interfered with along the way. Some might want to climb the side of the mountain, while others might want to take the trail. Others might want to take a helicopter...others might want to teleport. The end goal is to achieve a balance of emotional, mental, energetic and physiological health, healthiness and healing.

The physicality of what is being done here is the exact same thing but in two different operating modes. With Full Spectrum understanding, we release with gentleness and When we release in pain and anguish, it is still releasing, but it is operating in fight-or-flight.

Fight-or-flight; rest-and-relaxation. The two operating modes that control the internal balance of energy. Lets make this even simpler. The filter of love, or the filter of fear. There are only two choices, love, or fear. I choose to treat my body, my soul, my mind with love. I choose to bring in so much of what I do prefer that there is no room for what I do not. In this space, my understanding and awareness can stretch deep and out into what I am already connected into, just like each and every one of you. It isn't that we have to build up these abilities, its more like we have to build up the awareness of what we are already doing. We are all special, all super-human by birthright. We are Children of God, rays of Source.

We only need to stop talking to the body, and start truly experiencing the awareness inside the body.

So now, after having stuck with me for this long, I hope that you have gained some perspective and understanding of what the concept of Kundalini is, and why all of us should be striving to wake this light up brighter and stronger than any other resonance on the planet. The secrets to the universe are hidden deep within, but first we must start looking.

From my heart to yours,


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