Starseeds Mission
Why do you exist? What is your mission? Why are you here? What is the meaning of life?
Everyone has felt these questions pulsing underneath the surface. If you have begun your awakening journey and have started connecting into and activating your energy body, these questions are much more likely to have a driving force behind them, almost like a personal quest with an amazing treasure at the end.
We have this driving need to understand, to frame the answers into 3D space, fully processing and logically understanding the minutest details to the umpteenth degree. We need a cut and dry template, a users manual if you will, but there is no "Here is how you life." booklet pushing out with us as we are born
Instead, we are trained from a very young age that our passions, desires, fantasies and imaginations are unnatural and we need to accept the versions of history, science, spirituality, society, economics and psychology of what is already established.
We begin to stuff down the joy of exploration and epiphany and start to "grow up" and join the "adult world".
As we stop being children and join this dog eat dog world, feelings, habits, mental thought loops and tendencies that create behavior in ourselves that we fundamentally do not enjoy yet do not stop engaging in, begin to come up to the surface.
Some recognize how to heal these patterns through trial and error, but the vast majority has no idea that the world of violent thoughts, negative self talk, unhealthy habits, addictions, predatory behavior and general self loathing are something that they do not have to experience and in fact, have control over.
The problem is that the system we are born into has many ways of transmitting trauma and one of the easiest ways is not the obvious systems of control that we see. The surveillance state, ruling elite and nonstop war that is obvious on the surface is nothing more than a symptom of the true cause.
Going much deeper into the realms of light and vibration, parasitic entities that exist without a corporeal form and need the feelings of pain, fear, hate, jealousy, rage, self-loathing, etc... as food to survive are not the cause either.
Think about it for a second. If you did not have "etheric food" for these parasites, would they even be able to energetically connect into your field? A human body without "etheric food" (Think extremely heavy material as explained here ) is exceptionally bright, concentrated and powerful on the etheric level, simply because there is nothing weighing them down on the vibratory scale.
But where does this "food" come from? Why do we have patterns inside of us that create the thoughts, which lead to the emotions, which lead to the actions, which lead to the results we do not enjoy deep down on a fundamental level?
Lets simplify this even more. Why do we feel what we do not enjoy? Why do we create situations that we do not enjoy that compound trauma into what we already don't like feeling?
This is where we need to stretch out awareness to see with the eyes of a true Child of Creation. This is where we need to take our understanding that time truly does not exist in a linear fashion, the only thing that exists is NOW.
Your DNA has the template of everything you are inside of a microscopic coil, including all of your ancestral memories. All we have to do is look at birds in migration or a baby zebra running an hour after it is born or a salmon run to see the animal world connects into their ancestral DNA naturally, as it was designed to be accessed.
Now here is where the aha moment comes. We have the ability to *feel* our ancestral memories outside of logical understanding, Being placed inside of this system in the middle of it, with no knowledge of where it began, how it ended up there and what it is doing, all the while being trained out of *feeling* and into *thinking* creates the greatest smokescreen humanity has ever experienced.
Trauma from generations ago that has not been processed, emotional poison that has not been cleansed, ancient regrets, ancient fears....everything that was not transmuted into clean, pure energy is echoing down through the genetic line.
Symptoms of traumas you have never experienced can show up unexpectedly, but with extreme force. Perfect examples are extreme phobias. There is no reason that a person should be terrified of enclosed spaces, having never been stuck in a tight space before, yet a fight-or-flight response that often times shocks with the surprise of the visceral rejection pops up immediately. The same for the fear of heights, of being buried alive, of drowning, etc.
We can logically process it away and label it like, "I just have claustrophobia", but the ancient wound is still active.
One of the biggest ancestral wounds that I see affecting direct behavior in this life is sexual trauma, both from the victim and the perpetrators lines, which often times actually intermingle in future generations, creating co-depended, violent relationships, sexual promiscuity, sexual domination/predatory behavior and most importantly (because this is the energy that cultivates in each generation to grow stronger and recreate these traumas), is the lack of connection, fear of connection and inability to trust.The furthest back we have found these so far is 40 generations before this current NOW.
This is an incredible stretch of human time perception, yet as soon as the client became aware of it and shifted it into what he wanted it to feel like, he felt immediate relief on a physical, emotional, mental and energetic level. Pain, tension and anger that had been stuck in his fascia for years disappeared in seconds. Light, joy and purpose immediately took its place.
I know this has been a bit to read, but bear with me because now that we have an awareness, we have the ability to shift it, which in a universe of "As above, so below" is truly the ultimate secret.
What is your mission? Why are you here? What is the purpose for your soul to be incarnated directly in the genetics that you have chosen?
Simple. To break the cycle. To not allow the Sins of the Father to become the Sins of the Son if you want to take a biblical allegory to this.
Lets explain. You chose this specific body, this specific family for one reason and one reason only: To recognize how much you do not enjoy the programmed energies and feelings that are passed down through that genetic line. You came here to stretch your perception beyond "you" to see the *Whole*.
It is not your fault you feel and think the way that you do. It was passed down to you. It is not your parents fault they think and feel the way they do, it was passed down to them.
Stretching this awareness into quantum reality, exposing the timelessness of this system makes one thing clear. Everyone who came before you that lead to the pyramid with you at the head exists right NOW. The traumas and programs they started and the succeeding generations that built that energy into what you are experiencing are happening in this moment.
You have the ability to begin to shift them. By becoming aware of them, you can start to observe your internal behavior. You can start to "red flag" emotions/thoughts/habits that you do not enjoy. You can start to take control of your emotional energy inside of these "red flags" and you can begin to deprogram them.
The deeper you go into this, the stronger you will feel these ancient connections and the less blockage will be in the DNA to allow you to begin the other side of this coin.
You are connected into the ancient, primordial God Source of Human origin. Within this line are gifts, talents and skills of unimagined majesty and wonder. Without the ancestral Karma echoing through the line, these begin to make themselves known much more obviously.
There is a world of perception and mastery that we are beginning to collectively open the doorway to. 2019 is going to shock the world with how much shifts, with how much of the "Unmovable" begins to crumble.
The forefront of human evolution begins with cleaning up our mess.
The only way out is truly *IN*
From my heart to yours,