The Importance of Now

In the scientific and Spiritual communities, it is fairly common knowledge that time truly does not exist. Time has been manipulated into a single flow of point A to point B, instead of the all encompassing essence of the infinite, or the eternal NOW. What most have not been able to grasp, is that simply by existing inside of time and accepting it as fundamental in how your reality functions, you are opening yourself up to multiple access points.
One of the most powerful things you can do as a reality co-creator, is to exist in the eternal NOW. Move through each moment of your life as if you were a child experiencing everything for the first time. See things as they are, not with what previous biases say that they are. Look for the magical shapes and faces inside of the clouds instead of labeling them "clouds". Look for the mystery in the way the trees move and are guided along through divine patterning instead of just walking next to the "trees". Experience the wonder of a child, truly embedded in the NOW. It is only when we step into time, once we cross over into the adult world of work, bills, and increasing pressures, does time begin to hold sway. The age old adage of "Once you turn 18, time just goes faster and faster." explains everything. As a child, 5 minutes can feel like a half hour or sometimes even longer, simply because we have no other worries than doing exactly what we are doing right then and there. It is only when we are older and have time limits and deadlines that we impose on ourselves every day does time begin to infect our consciousness. This is the fundamental barrier between the childhood consciousness where everything is possible and magic is only around the corner, to the fully sterile, sanitized, compartmentalized and fractured "adult" mentality In a place of frantic rushing, we cannot find stillness In a place of worry outside of the now (fear of the future, regret of the past), we cannot find peace. In a place of rigidity, we cannot enjoy the flow. In a place of hate, we cannot find a smile In a place of closemindedness, we cannot understand the deeper nature of what is real and what is not. By stepping into the NOW, by experiencing THIS MOMENT as fully as possible, you automatically phase out the list above. In the NOW as fully as possible, there is no frantic rushing. There is no place to be other than right here, right now, thus the term "late" does not even exist. Focus on what you have control over in the moment. If you are "late", turning yourself into an emotional and energetic nuclear explosion serves nothing but the entities that are feeding on that resonance. Breathe. You will arrive when you arrive. By stepping into the NOW, there is no past, there is no future, there is only direct 5D experience. Fear of what is coming and regret at what has been cannot exist, simply because the direct experience of the NOW, with 100% of your focus firmly placed there is all there is. There is no time to worry, because you are outside of time. By stepping into the NOW, we immerse ourselves in the experience. Completely immersed in the moment means that you are directly dialed into the nuances of the experience, completely in tune, yet not micro-managing the event....completely in sync, yet not directing. This allows for simul-flow, or direct reaction to the NOW without thought or is a state of just being. In this state, true physical magic is possible. By stepping into the NOW, there is no place for grudges or building resentments. In the now, you are in a constant state of shifting to accommodate the container (water flows into the teapot, it becomes the teapot. Water flows into the cup, it becomes the cup). If there was emotional friction in one moment, in the next moment there is only cooperation because there is no past in the NOW. With no preconceived biases or stereotypes, we meet each other as people, not categories. People are naturally generous, happy, compassionate and loving....when they stem from the NOW. By stepping into the NOW, there is no trying to fit the situation into your understanding of how things are. By stepping into the NOW, you see things for what they truly are, not what your belief system dictates is real. This by far is the most important thing you can do for yourself while in this reality. By releasing the agreements that the collective consciousness has imposed on our reality, we can then see into the heart of this Matrix. By becoming aware of the parasitic construct, we now have the power to do something about it. Energy flows where attention goes, and the parasitic construct has more light and attention on it right now than ever before. Stay in the NOW dear ones. Breathe. Experience fully. Observe in wonder. Spark the inner child back to life. We got this
From my heart to yours, Eric